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Co-Curated by Holly Gilliam


In 2011 Holly Gilliam took on the role of co-curating, with Michael Connor, "Spotlights" for a 3-year series of exhibitons for Persol.


Persol Magnificent Obsessions: 30 Stories of Craftsmanship in Film explored stories of obsessive craft in cinema & of filmmakers who go to extreme lengths to achieve their particular creative vision, with 10 "spotlights" in each exhibition focussing on different filmmakers.


2011 / Museum of Moving Image, NY (16-19 June) & Cartiere Vanucci, Milan (22-26 September)

  • Battling the Studios (Terry Gilliam):   The "spotlight" on Terry Gilliam's film Brazil (1985) explored the creative development and production of Gilliam's dystopian classic, and detailed the battle he had with Universal Pictures to get the film released. It featured original props, set posters and costumes as well as Gilliam’s original notes, sketches & storyboards and a video interview of him discussing his inspiration for the film and his battle with the studios to get it released (written & directed by Holly Gilliam).



2012 / Museum of Moving Image, NY (14 June-19 August) 

  • Daydream Believer (Jean-Pierre Jeunet): The "spotlight" on Jean-Pierre Jeunet's Amelie (2001) featured original props, storyboards by Luc Desportes, notes & sketches by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and reproductions of Michel Folco’s photo albums. 



2013 / Museum of Moving Image, NY (12 July-11 November) 

  • Absorbing Hunter (Johnny Depp):  The "spotlight" explored Johnny Depp’s process for taking on the role of Hunter S. Thompson in Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas (1998).  It included clothes and accessories that Thompson had given to Depp to use in the film, together with 57 personal photographs from Depp and a home movie from Depp of his time living with Thompson at his home in Aspen.

  • Mapping Character (Julie Weiss):  The Weiss "spotlight" included original costumes and accessories from Frida (2002) and Twelve Monkeys (1998) together with Weiss' original costume design sketches and a wall mural she created on-site for the exhibition.


As well as conceptualising the "spotlights" and coordinating the material for them, Holly Gilliam wrote the accompanying essays for the exhibition book.



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Persol Magnificent Obsessions / 2013

Persol Magnificent Obsessions / 2012

Persol Magnificent Obsessions / 2011

Designed by Lips-iam (2015)

© HDG Projects Limited (2024)

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